Law Enforcement Salutes K9 Tommy One Last Time After Euthanization
In a somber event that brought tears to many, Ohio’s police bid farewell to their four-legged hero, K9 Tommy, a courageous German Shepherd who dedicated seven incredible years to serving and protecting the community. This heart-wrenching goodbye was not a retirement party, but a poignant farewell due to a serious illness that led Officer Jeremy Berger, Tommy’s partner, to make the difficult decision.
Outside the veterinary clinic, a moving scene unfolded as officers from various departments gathered with their own K9 companions to pay their respects to Tommy. In a solemn line, they stood united, creating a silent moment that spoke volumes about Tommy’s unwavering dedication.
The most emotional part came when Tommy, draped in the American flag, was gently carried to the waiting car. The radio broadcasted a final salute, acknowledging the end of Tommy’s duty and expressing gratitude for his service in protecting the people of Ohio. It was a touching moment that left a lasting impression on everyone present.

Officer Jeremy and his family said their tearful goodbyes, reflecting the deep bond between a K9 officer and their human partner. However, the impact of Tommy’s departure reverberated beyond his immediate circle; the entire community mourned the loss of this brave and loyal companion.

Even though Tommy’s watch has come to an end, his memory lives on as a symbol of loyalty, courage, and selfless service. Ohio doesn’t just remember Tommy as a faithful friend but as a true hero who sacrificed for the greater good. Rest in peace, Tommy – your bravery and commitment will be eternally engraved in the hearts of those you protected.