It was a rather unexpected scene in the London Underground on Sunday, January 8. While many users travelled from one station to another to go about their business, more than a hundred took transport…. without their pants.
As surprising as it may seem, it is a tradition called “No Pants Subway Ride” (understand “No pants in the subway”). This unusual initiative was created in 2002 by seven New Yorkers before spreading to several cities worldwide.
This new year has therefore started in a good mood in London, England, since only eight days after its start, hundreds of travellers took advantage of their days off to take transport in their underwear, as revealed by the BBC.
Although there is no commitment behind this action, it will still have the merit of making the other passengers laugh.And to continue with the crazy concepts, remember, in Berlin, the public transport company BVG had marketed edible metro tickets with a cannabis flavour.
Credits: BBC / PA MEDIA |
Credits: BBC / PA MEDIA |
Credits: BBC / PA MEDIA |
Credits: BBC / PA MEDIA |
Credits: BBC / PA MEDIA |